Sunday, 2 August 2015

Earth, Wind, Fire and Music by Kananelo Ntoka

From the moments of my innocence, crawling up grandmother's leg to stand, to the moment I had my first kiss, each memory I have is connected to a song. We listen not only to dance or relate but sometimes just to feel, there's just something moving about a smooth voice of an artist depicting their views on life and the modern day society and realising that no matter how vast the distance between you and that particular musician, different the standard of living or different backgrounds and upbringing, the music and the resonance it inspires inside you is the evidence of just how strong and dense the human thread that binds us all is. I am a city boy, born and raised in the capital city - Johannesburg of the Gauteng Province in South Africa, my parents both originate from the Free State, both from a small town called Frankfurt, my father has always been a fan of music, my mother was born into a family who is very religious and were known for their roles in the church, more specifically, the church choir. Some of my earliest memories of my parents, both good and sad, have their own melody when they come to mind. As I have mentioned, my father has always loved music, but he loved it more than most people, I am certain he was the person who helped me realise that the greatest music is that which you not only dance and relate to but most importantly, that which you can feel deep within your soul, a piece of you that even you are not always allowed access to. South Africa is a country which is home to many different cultures, traditions and even religious beliefs, something that segregates the world round, as humans are drawn to things that they can easily familiarise with and both fear and repel all that they cannot. I have been to many places, mostly in Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Free State, all with their own rich histories and traditions, cultures and urban cultures. These places are all truly beautiful in their own light and right, the only similarities derive from songs that are popular and trending at the time. It is just astonishing and moving to think that someone you cannot relate to in anyway could love a song just as much as you and the song touches the very same inner depths of his soul that music does yours. Visiting these three provinces I realised that music is the most far reaching aspect of civilisation and can be used for a greater purpose rather than just dancing in the club, not to belittle that type of vibe, the club scene can be very therapeutic at times. I just truly believe that it was the music that helped get young Americans who have never even cared for politics or politicians alike to get up and vote for President Barack Obama. The music is just that powerful, just that beautiful and just that 'right with your soul'. From the Luther Vandross my father played on Saturday nights to the Joyous Celebration my mother played on Sunday morning, I found that life is a much more colourful journey with music rather than without…

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